3 Obscure World Capitals – Is Jackpot Capital Casino One Of Them?

You have heard of London, Paris, and New York, right? They are the world’s most famous capital cities. Now for a few of the lesser-known seats of power, those barely pronounceable places on the map. As for Jackpot Capital Casino? It is anything but obscure! At Casino Coupon Codes we are focused on delivering free gaming to the masses. That does not mean we can’t share interesting info about exotic destinations around the world. The fact they are capital cities is not incidental. It gives us an excuse to shine the spotlight on one of the best gaming platforms around – Jackpot Capital Casino. How to Grab an Exclusive Jackpot Capital Casino Bonus Before we get into why you should grab our exclusive CCC-only Jackpot Capital Casino coupon, here is the deal. In this article we reveal some of the more weird, bizarre and downright amazing characteristics of our chosen capital cities. Once you have read the lot and uttered plenty of oohs and aahs, you are welcome to: click on the Jackpot Capital Casino coupon and claim the free cash and free spins or browse through all the current freebies featured on the Coupons page or search for the type of bonus coupon that blows your hair back by releasing the drop-down menu on the Bonuses page. In the meantime, let us take a look at those weird, wonderful and sometimes astounding capital cities. Naypyidaw, Myanmar The purpose-built capital of Myanmar really is bizarre. It was constructed from scratch in the early 2000s on land carved out of the tropical forest. What is extraordinary about Naypyidaw is the scale of the place. It covers 7,000 square kilometers – that is roughly seven times the size of Paris! Roads are no ordinary roads. They are 20-lane boulevards. The parliament is not remotely like the Houses of Parliament in London. It consists of 31 buildings located on 800 acres of land! According to one guidebook, that is meant to represent Buddhism’s 31 planes of existence. What is more, the whole legislative area is enclosed by a giant moat! This vast sprawling city was built by 25 construction companies at an estimated cost of $4bn. It features gigantic statues of legendary kings and a much larger and more opulent replica of the fabled Shwe Dagon Pagoda in Yangon. Color-Coded Roofs to Designate Job Description! Modern apartment blocks, several stories high, have color-coded roofs. The different colors represent that one particular job all the residents in that block are employed to do. Imagine having to live and work with all the same people – all the time. Weird! Now for the big boo-boo. The so-called ‘Abode of Kings’ may be the biggest and brashest city in the whole of Myanmar – and the world – but hardly anyone lives there! At last count there were around 920,000 permanent residents. London, which is four times smaller than Naypyidaw, has a population of approximately 9.7 million! If you are keen to visit the emptiest capital city on earth, get this. There is a water park, medicinal herbal park, safari park and zoo within the city limits. Better still, there are no queues, crowds, or traffic – pretty much like you will find at the online casino, Jackpot Capital Casino! What is there not to like? Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire The capital of the Cote d’Ivoire has a similar beginning to Naypyidaw. It too was an egocentric dream of a misguided politician. The main difference is the city was an expansion project of an existing place, the humble little farming village of Yamoussoukro. In the 1980s, the then President Felix Houphouet-Boigny decided to revamp his birthplace. He knocked down all the unsightly dwellings and built a modern city. It replaced Abidjan as the capital in 1983. We can easily compare that to Jackpot Capital Casino replacing an outdated B&M casino, circa 2008! Today Yamoussoukro covers 3,500 square kilometers. That is a little under three times the size of Los Angeles. That’s massive! What is so remarkable about the West African city is it houses the largest Christian church on the planet. A Dome Larger than Rome’s The Basilica of our Lady of Peace is literally massive. It was opened by Pope John Paul II and can easily accommodate as many as 18,000 devotees. The building itself has a dome similar to that of St Peters in Rome but stands a full 41 feet (12.5 meters) higher! Cote d’Ivoire’s current capital – there have been three other capital cities over a span of just 100 years – is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Besides the basilica, the former presidential palace is worth a visit. The lake surrounding the palace is jam-packed with 6-meter-long Nile crocodiles. Anyone for a dip? At Jackpot Capital Casino there are no real predators prowling around. That said, when you sign up and hit the New Games tab you will encounter bears, gorillas, red pandas, and kangaroos. What is so special about these super-cool beasts? They pay out real money too! Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Constructed in a funky futuristic style and featuring soaring buildings clad in white marble, Ashgabat is mod, stylish and opulent. The ‘City of Love’ is a cool combo of Ancient Persia and Russia and modern-day Turkmenistan. It is another city that is larger than life. The architecture is nothing short of unique – some would say outlandish! The airport is fashioned as a falcon in flight – but that somehow works. The same cannot be said about the other architectural touches. There is a ginormous coin sitting on top of the building housing the development bank. The foreign affairs office has a globe of the world rotating on top of its roof. Now that is unorthodox to say the least! Tallest, Largest and Densest As for elements of scale? Ashgabat boasts the tallest flagpole in the world. The Turkmenistan Carpet Museum displays the largest handmade carpet on the planet. Even the snowy white marble buildings have scooped up a Guiness World Record owing to their high density. What is so evocative about Ashgabat is its location on the fabled Silk Road. It sits at the juncture of the Kopet Dag Escarpment and Karakum Desert. Over the centuries, the city has been part of the Persian Empire, Russian Empire and Soviet Union, when it was called Poltoratsk! That simply does not roll off the tongue quite like Ashgabat! Pick a Coupon and Play for FREE at Jackpot Capital Casino! Are you ready to visit the ‘White City’ or would you far rather chill out at home and play online slots for free at Jackpot Capital Casino – or any of our other partner casinos? If the latter option appeals the most, Casino Coupon Codes can help. Why not flip through the latest bonuses featured on our site and pick a coupon? There are plenty of options available including our match deposit and free spins coupon redeemable at Jackpot Capital Casino! We are not obscure. We are lit!

You have heard of London, Paris, and New York, right? They are the world’s most famous capital cities. Now for a few of the lesser-known seats of power, those barely pronounceable places on the map. As for Jackpot Capital Casino? It is anything but obscure!

At Casino Coupon Codes we are focused on delivering free gaming to the masses. That does not mean we can’t share interesting info about exotic destinations around the world. The fact they are capital cities is not incidental. It gives us an excuse to shine the spotlight on one of the best gaming platforms around – Jackpot Capital Casino.

How to Grab an Exclusive Jackpot Capital Casino Bonus

Before we get into why you should grab our exclusive CCC-only Jackpot Capital Casino coupon, here is the deal. In this article we reveal some of the more weird, bizarre and downright amazing characteristics of our chosen capital cities.

Once you have read the lot and uttered plenty of oohs and aahs, you are welcome to:

  • click on the Jackpot Capital Casino coupon and claim the free cash and free spins or
  • browse through all the current freebies featured on the Coupons page or
  • search for the type of bonus coupon that blows your hair back by releasing the drop-down menu on the Bonuses page.

In the meantime, let us take a look at those weird, wonderful and sometimes astounding capital cities.

Naypyidaw, Myanmar

The purpose-built capital of Myanmar really is bizarre. It was constructed from scratch in the early 2000s on land carved out of the tropical forest. What is extraordinary about Naypyidaw is the scale of the place. It covers 7,000 square kilometers – that is roughly seven times the size of Paris!

Roads are no ordinary roads. They are 20-lane boulevards. The parliament is not remotely like the Houses of Parliament in London. It consists of 31 buildings located on 800 acres of land!

According to one guidebook, that is meant to represent Buddhism’s 31 planes of existence. What is more, the whole legislative area is enclosed by a giant moat!

This vast sprawling city was built by 25 construction companies at an estimated cost of $4bn. It features gigantic statues of legendary kings and a much larger and more opulent replica of the fabled Shwe Dagon Pagoda in Yangon.

Color-Coded Roofs to Designate Job Description!

Modern apartment blocks, several stories high, have color-coded roofs. The different colors represent that one particular job all the residents in that block are employed to do. Imagine having to live and work with all the same people – all the time. Weird!

Now for the big boo-boo. The so-called ‘Abode of Kings’ may be the biggest and brashest city in the whole of Myanmar – and the world – but hardly anyone lives there! At last count there were around 920,000 permanent residents. London, which is four times smaller than Naypyidaw, has a population of approximately 9.7 million!

If you are keen to visit the emptiest capital city on earth, get this. There is a water park, medicinal herbal park, safari park and zoo within the city limits. Better still, there are no queues, crowds, or traffic – pretty much like you will find at the online casino, Jackpot Capital Casino! What is there not to like?

Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire

The capital of the Cote d’Ivoire has a similar beginning to Naypyidaw. It too was an egocentric dream of a misguided politician. The main difference is the city was an expansion project of an existing place, the humble little farming village of Yamoussoukro.

In the 1980s, the then President Felix Houphouet-Boigny decided to revamp his birthplace. He knocked down all the unsightly dwellings and built a modern city. It replaced Abidjan as the capital in 1983. We can easily compare that to Jackpot Capital Casino replacing an outdated B&M casino, circa 2008!

Today Yamoussoukro covers 3,500 square kilometers. That is a little under three times the size of Los Angeles. That’s massive! What is so remarkable about the West African city is it houses the largest Christian church on the planet.

A Dome Larger than Rome’s

The Basilica of our Lady of Peace is literally massive. It was opened by Pope John Paul II and can easily accommodate as many as 18,000 devotees. The building itself has a dome similar to that of St Peters in Rome but stands a full 41 feet (12.5 meters) higher!

Cote d’Ivoire’s current capital – there have been three other capital cities over a span of just 100 years – is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Besides the basilica, the former presidential palace is worth a visit. The lake surrounding the palace is jam-packed with 6-meter-long Nile crocodiles. Anyone for a dip?

At Jackpot Capital Casino there are no real predators prowling around. That said, when you sign up and hit the New Games tab you will encounter bears, gorillas, red pandas, and kangaroos. What is so special about these super-cool beasts? They pay out real money too!

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Constructed in a funky futuristic style and featuring soaring buildings clad in white marble, Ashgabat is mod, stylish and opulent. The ‘City of Love’ is a cool combo of Ancient Persia and Russia and modern-day Turkmenistan.

It is another city that is larger than life. The architecture is nothing short of unique – some would say outlandish! The airport is fashioned as a falcon in flight – but that somehow works.

The same cannot be said about the other architectural touches. There is a ginormous coin sitting on top of the building housing the development bank. The foreign affairs office has a globe of the world rotating on top of its roof. Now that is unorthodox to say the least!

Tallest, Largest and Densest

As for elements of scale? Ashgabat boasts the tallest flagpole in the world. The Turkmenistan Carpet Museum displays the largest handmade carpet on the planet. Even the snowy white marble buildings have scooped up a Guiness World Record owing to their high density.

What is so evocative about Ashgabat is its location on the fabled Silk Road. It sits at the juncture of the Kopet Dag Escarpment and Karakum Desert.

Over the centuries, the city has been part of the Persian Empire, Russian Empire and Soviet Union, when it was called Poltoratsk! That simply does not roll off the tongue quite like Ashgabat!

Pick a Coupon and Play for FREE at Jackpot Capital Casino!

Are you ready to visit the ‘White City’ or would you far rather chill out at home and play online slots for free at Jackpot Capital Casino – or any of our other partner casinos? If the latter option appeals the most, Casino Coupon Codes can help.

Why not flip through the latest bonuses featured on our site and pick a coupon? There are plenty of options available including our match deposit and free spins coupon redeemable at Jackpot Capital Casino! We are not obscure. We are lit!